TCS TECHNICAL INTERVIEW AND HR ROUND: TCS Interview can take nearly 45 minutes to 1 hour and they conducted one or two interviews in that period of time. In the first interview, they are mainly concentrated on self-management skills, communication skills, and background by asking behavioral questions. secondly, they are concentrated on the technical questions. in below we provide HOW TO CRACK TCS TECHNICAL INTERVIEW AND HR ROUND in a clear-cut manner. Once check the below questions to tips for crack technical.
How To Crack TCS Technical Round:
(If you’re from non-IT & CS background)
- What is an Array? Can we store a string and integer together in an Array? If I can’t, and I want to, what should I do?
- Different kind of sorting in Data Structure. (They may give some number and tell you to show how these numbers are getting sorted with a sorting method they will say)
- What is Dead Lock? What is the method to prevent Dead Lock?
- What is a NULL pointer and VOID pointer?
- Write a program on Palindrome Number/Palindrome String/Fibonacci with recursive function/Factorial using recursion.
- what is linked list? Advantages and Disadvantages of LL of an Array.
- Difference between DBMS & RDBMS
- How SQL query works? Step by step process to fetch the data from Database.
- What is Binary Tree? They may give some number and tell you to form a tree.
- Difference between RAM and ROM.
- Return Type in function in C.
- Why do we include the header file in C? what is in a header file? How compiler handle it?
- What is Dangling Pointer?
- Functions of calloc(), malloc() and free()
- Be prepared, They may ask a question from your training report and the subjects of interests you’ve written in your CV.
- Differences between C and Java?
- TCS Technical Interview Questions.
- C is a low-level language while JAVA is a high-level language.
- JAVA is Object-Oriented while C is procedural.
- Java is an Interpreted language while C is a compiled language.
- C uses the top-down approach while JAVA uses the bottom-up approach.
- Pointer goes backstage in JAVA while C requires explicit handling of pointers.
- The Behind-the-scenes Memory Management with JAVA & The User-Based Memory Management in C.
- JAVA supports Method Overloading while C does not support overloading at all.
- Unlike C, JAVA does not support Preprocessors, & does not really them.
- The standard Input & Output Functions–C uses the printf & scanf functions as its standard input & output while JAVA uses the System.out.print & functions.
- Exception Handling in JAVA And the errors & crashes in C.
- Java is an Interpreted language whereas C is a compiled language.
- C is a low-level language and JAVA is a high-level language.
- C makes use of top-down approach while JAVA uses a bottom-up approach.
- Pointer goes backstage in JAVA and C needs handling of pointers.
- JAVA supports Method Overloading while C does not support overloading at all.
- JAVA is Object-Oriented whereas C is procedural.
- Exception Handling is in JAVA while errors and crashes in C.
(For IT and CSE students) Other than the above questions prepare for JAVA (Methods, Class, Polymorphism, Inheritance, Instances, Objects, Method Overloading), Big Data analysis, Cloud Computing, Web 2.0
- Introduce Yourself
- Tell us about the current projects of TCS
- Why TCS?
- How did you plan to achieve your career goals?
- How can you contribute to TCS?
- Tell us about your short-term and long-term goals.
- Do you have any plan for higher study?
- Tell us a situation where you’ve worked under stress and deadline.
- Why will we hire you? / What are the qualities that you think one should have to be successful in a company like ours?
- (If you’re a non-IT and CSE) Why do you want to switch to IT industries?
- Are you ready to relocate? / Work in night shifts?
List of TCS And HR Technical Interview Questions & Answers
Why TCS Interview Dates Are Not Released Yet?
Name the different storage classes in C?
There are four types of storage classes in C, namely extern, register, auto and static.
What is an object?
An object is a bundle of variables and methods. Objects have both state and behavior
What is a class?
A class is a user-defined data type in C++. It is created to solve a particular kind of problem. After its creation, the user need not know the specifics of the working of a class.
What is a static variable?
Static is an access qualifier. When a variable is declared as static, the scope is limited to the function, but it would remain for the lifetime of the program.
In header files whether functions are defined or declared?
This is a very common and definite, technical interview questions and answers for TCS IT job.
Functions are declared within a header file. The function prototypes exist in a header file, and not function bodies. They are defined in the library.
How do you print an address?
Apply %p in printf to print the address.
What are macros? What are its benefits and limits?
Macros are processor directive which gets replaced at compile time.
The limitation is that they can replace the code they do not function summon. And the benefit is that they can lower time to replace the same values.
Differentiate between pass by reference and pass by value?
Pass by value sends value from a caller to gathering the function so the called function cannot change the values in caller function. But Pass by reference can pass an address to the caller function instead of value if called function asks editing any value it can directly modify.
What is a pointer?
The pointer is a variable in a program, the value can vary. The way a compiler and a linker handles is that assigns a specific block of memory within the computer to hold the value of that variable.
Differentiate between structures and array.
Arrays are a group of similar data types whereas structures is a group of different data types
Differentiate between null and void pointers.
A Null pointer has a value of 0. A void pointer is a generic pointer introduced by ANSI.
What is friend function?
A friend function for a class is used in object-oriented programming to permit an access to public, private, or protected data in a class from outside.
To mention, a function which is not a member of a class cannot access such information.
What is an inline function?
The inline functions are to enter the code of a called function at the point where the function is called. If done well, this can improve the application’s performance in exchange for increased compile time.
Define data structure.
A data structure is a way to organize data which considers not only the items stored but also their relationship to each other.
Tell about the benefits of inheritance.
It allows code reusability. Reusability saves time during development of programs. It allows reuse of proven and debugged high-quality software; hence lowering problem once a system becomes functional.
List out the area in which data structures are applied extensively.
Compiler Design,
Operating System,
Database Management System,
Statistical analysis package,
Numerical Analysis,
Artificial Intelligence,
What is command line argument?
Getting the arguments from the command prompt in c is known as command-line arguments. In C main function has three arguments. They are:
Argument counter
Argument vector
Environment vector
What is your strongest programming language?
You should tell about your favourite programming language and be prepared with questions based on that.
In header files whether functions are declared or defined?
Functions are declared within a header file. That is function prototypes exist in a header file, not function bodies. They are defined in the library (lib).
What are the different storage classes in C?
There are four types of storage classes in C. They are extern, register, auto and static
What does static variable mean?
Static is an access qualifier. If a variable is declared as static inside a function, the scope is limited to the function, but it will exist for the lifetime of the program.
Advantages of a macro over a function?
Macro gets to see the Compilation environment, so it can expand #defines. It is expanded by the preprocessor.
What are the different storage classes in C?
Which header file should you include if you are to develop a function which can accept a variable number of arguments?
What is cache memory?
Cache Memory is used by the central processing unit of a computer to reduce the average time to access memory. The cache is a smaller, faster memory which stores copies of the data from the most frequently used main memory locations. As long as most memory accesses are cached memory locations, the average latency of memory accesses will be closer to the cache latency than to the latency of main memory.
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