MGU Certificate Verification Procedure – [Offline/Online]


  1. The Organizations approaching for third party verification of candidates shall contact the Examination branch at [email protected]
  2. The University will charge a nominal amount of Rs. 1500/- for verification of certificates of each candidate. The payment can be made through online or by submitting a Demand Draft.
    1. The Online payment details are:
      1. Account Name. : REGISTRAR EXAM FUND A/C
      2. Account No. : 62047746271
      3. IFSC Code : SBIN0021270
    2. DD in favour of REGISTRAR EXAM FUND A/C 62047746271 payable at SBI Anneparthy Branch Nalgonda.
  3. The Hard copies of the Original DD’s are to be sent to the following Address:
      1. To


  4. The Controller of Examination,
  5. Mahatma Gandhi University,
    1. Yellareddygudam, Nalgonda (TS) – 508254.
  6. After making payment the organisations shall approach the Examination Branch at [email protected] along with candidates details by enclosing the certificates (Consolidated Memo & Provisional Certificate) to be verified and the payment details (Scanned copy of DD or Online Transaction Payment Details to be enclosed)
  7. The organizations are requested to furnish the following details.
    1. Organization Name
    2. Letter No. / Reference No.
    3. Head of the Organization
    4. Mobile No.
    5. E-mail address
    6. Organization Postal Address with pin code.
  8. Note: The verification process can be done in a week time from the receipt of hard copy.


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