JNTUH Frequently Asked Questions
1. How to apply for online student service?
Ans. Open the JNTUH website (jntuh.ac.in) and click on the online student service link at the home page. It will redirect to the online student service portal. (OR) by using the URL:
2. What are the other certificates, in addition to the transcript, that I can obtain using this portal service?
Ans. You can also apply for migration and medium certificate an additional to transcripts.
3. I have forgotten my online student service portal password. How can I get my password?
Ans. Click on forgot password link available at the home page of online student service portal. It will ask to enter your hall ticket number, registered mobile number & email-id for
verification. Once the verification is successful, you will receive your password to your
registered email-id.
4.When I tried to apply for an online service in online student service portal, I am getting a
response -invalid hall ticket number or data not available. Why?
Ans. The Candidates who passed their degree during or after the academic year mentioned
below can only avail this service.
B.Tech—2000 to till date,
B.Pharmacy- 2009 batch to till date,
M.Tech – 2009 batch to till date,
M.Pharmacy –2009 batch to till date,
MBA – 2005 batch to till date,
MCA – 2005 batch to till date.
5.Am I eligible to apply in online student service?
Ans: Same as the answer for Q.no.4
6. I received my provisional from an autonomous college, affiliated to JNTUH. Am I eligible
to apply for transcripts?
Ans. No, colleges which are affiliated and non-autonomous, are only eligible for applying
transcripts in online student service.
7.After applying (preferred mode: by hand) within how many days can I collect my
consignment from JNTUH exam branch service counter?
Ans. The candidates are informed to collect their transcripts from the service counters at
exam branch JNTUH, within seven days after receiving the sms/email. If not collected within seven days, the candidate has to forego the claim of the transcripts. Under any circumstances, the transcripts will not be issued after seven days of receiving the sms/email.
8. How long it takes to get my Certificates after applying in online student service?
Ans. The printing and dispatching process will be completed within 2 working days after the
payment is approved.
9.Can I apply for online student service in tatkal service?
Ans. There is no tatkal service to online student service.
10.I have lost my Acknowledgement receipt. Where can I get it ?
Ans. It is also sent to your registered email id, Hence you can login to your mail and can take the printout whenever you require.
11.I got an Acknowledgement. What should I do after that?
Ans. You keep that printout for further reference. In case if you have not received the applied certificates, then you can contact, Exam Branch, JNTUH with the printout of
acknowledgement, at the student service counter no 1.
12.As I am trying to track using the consignment number, it shows the consignment number given is not valid. What should I do?
Ans: Consignment number received by you is correct. It will be trackable once postal/courier service picks and updates their database. You are advised to try again at the respective the postal / courier portals on the following day.
13.How to apply online transcript for Original Degree certificate?
Ans: At present, there is no transcript service for Original Degree certificate.
14. I have applied for transcripts and received SMS/email to collect them from the University
counter. What identification proof should I bring for receiving my certificates?
Ans: You should confirm your registered mobile number (which is used during registration)
with dispatch clerk at the exam branch student service. No other proof is required.
15. What are the different stages until the consignment reaches my residential address?
Ans: PAYMENT APPROVED-After payment approved
PRINTING- Printing of applied certificates
INPROCESS-checking of applied certificates with an address slip
DISPATCHEDBYPOST – Dispatched the applied certificates by post
DISPATCHEDBYHAND – Dispatched the applied certificates to the service counter
DELIVERED – the applied certificates received by the candidate.
JNTUH Helpline Numbers & JNTUH Supporting Mail
16. For any clarification or information regarding transcripts, whom should I contact?
Ans: You should contact JNTUH Exam Branch at Email:support.oss@jntuh.ac.in or at helpline no. 9491283135 during 10:30 AM to 5:00 PM on all working days.
E Mail : dejntuh@jntuh.ac.in Phone : Off +91–40–23156113 Fax: +91–40–23158668
I applied for my original degree on December 1st, 2022, but I haven’t received it yet. Despite visiting the college multiple times, I have not received any satisfactory response. I even sent my friend many times to the student service who is living nearby, they are noting down my details but still, they are not giving my OD. this is my serious concern Please help me
the contact details and mobile number are not working (9491283135 [SWITCH OFF] support.oss@jntuh.ac.in [no response I mailed 100 times])
I applied for my original degree on December 1st, 2022, but I haven’t received it yet. Despite visiting the college multiple times, I have not received any satisfactory response. I even sent my friend many times to the student service who is living nearby, they are noting down my details but still, they are not giving my OD. this is my serious concern Please help me
I applied for my original degree on December 1st, 2022, but I haven’t received it yet. Despite visiting the college multiple times, I have not received any satisfactory response. I urgently need my degree to apply for colleges abroad for my Master’s degree. Please expedite the dispatch process and ensure I receive my degree soon.
I am complt my mpharmacy theory exams 2016 all subject clear but project not completed still.now possible to complete my project
Hii sir when will release the r18 2-2 rc rv results
Hii sir
When will release the r18 2-2 rc rv results
Dear sir/ Madam
How to apply original degree
R13 regulations had 4+4= 8 credits for to leave subject and 8 marks for grace marks is this still available or not why bcz my college Stuart they are not saying properly can you tell me plz
when you applied?
i have applied for original degree through online but i didn’t get any tracking number or conformation from jntuh
I haven’t received my OD of EMS speed post, It’s been more than 4 months. How can I get it back, please help me through.
I have completed my Btech in 2019. Due to my family Situation. I’m unable to clear my fee. so, I couldn’t apply for an OD previously. just a week ago, i Cleared my fee. Now I have a provisional certificate to apply for my original degree.Is there any option to apply OD?. please help me to get my OD.