JNTUH Revised Dates For MBA/B.Tech/B.Pharm Final Sem Exams Sep-2020

Sub: JNTUH – Exam Branch – Revised dates of various activities related to MBA IV sem / B.Tech / B.Pharm IV Years II Semester Regular and Supplementary Examinations Sep-2020- Intimation-Reg.

JNTUH Revised Dates of Various Activities of MBA / B.Tech / B.Pharm Final Sem Regular and Supple Exams Sep-2020

All the principals are informed to note the revised dates for various scheduled activities of B.Tech/B. Pharm IV Years II Semester & MBA IV sem Regular and Supplementary Examinations as shown in Table-1 hereunder. Further, the stationery collection dates are given in Table- II


S.No B.Tech /B.Pharm IV Year II Sem /  MBA IV Sem Regular/Supplementary Exams Start date End date
1. Exam Registration With Late Fee of Rs.2000/- 01-09-2020 07-09-2020
2. Exam Registration With Late Fee of Rs.5000/- 08-09-2020 14-09-2020
3. Exam Registration With Late Fee of Rs.10000/- *This late fee application should be manually submitted along with demand draft. 15-09-2020 Till end of exams
4. DD Report available for Downloading and making payment 09-09-2020
5. Date for Consolidated Fees Payment -Single RTGS transfer For both Regular & Supplementary Exams and condonation fee after deducting the amount already credited 10-09-2020
6. Stationary Distributions College – wise details    given in Table- II
7. Intimation of discrepancies in the pre-printed answer booklets to Examination Branch in person only by college representative 14-09-2020
8. Collect the correct answer booklets of discrepancy cases 15-09-2020
9. Downloading (through examination portal) and issue of hall-tickets 12-09-2020
10. Commencement of Theory Examinations 16-09-202


S.NO DATE COLLEGES Officer concerned for issue of stationary andallotment of observers
1. 10-09-2020 All Colleges of B.Pharm for collection stationary forIV Year II Sem Exams ACE-1( Dr.L. SAIDA NAIK)
College wise schedules for collection of stationary for B.Tech IV Year–II Sem /MBA IV-Sem
1. 11-09-2020 7, 8, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 32, 37, 60, 64, 65, 68, 84, 86, 87, 91, 92, 95,1R, 5R, 5X, 6C,6D, 6E, 6J, 6K, 6L, 6P, 6R, 6T, 6U, 6X, 6Y, 7A, 7G,AN, B7, B9, BD, BR, C2, C3, C4,C5, C6, C8, D9, E3, E6, EK, HD,J0, J1, J4, J9, K4, K7, K8,K9, L5, M6, N0, N6, N9,P8, PP, Q9, QD,QK, QP, QT, R0, R2, R4, R7, RC, RH, RJ, RT, S4, S5, TD, TF, TJ,TK,TM, TR, U3, U5, U8, UC, UD, UE, UK, UM, UN, UU, W0, W7, W9,WH, X6 ACE-2(Dr. B. Kranthi Kiran)
2. 11-09-2020 14, 21, 29, 36, 40, 56, 57, 58, 59, 62, 63, 66, 79, 80 ,82, 83, 89, 93, 94,  5A,5C,5G,   5J,  5Q, 5T, 5Y,  5Z, 6B,  6N, 6W, 7D, 7E,  7N,  7P, 7U, 7W, 8B,AU, B3, B4, B5, BH, C1, C7,D0, D1, D3, D7, DN, E0, E4, E5, E7, FG,G7, J3, J6, J7, K0,   L0, M5, M8, N2, N5, QE,QG, QN, QU, RE, RF, RM,RN, RQ, RR,SS, TA,TE, TH, TN, TT, TU, U2, U7, UA, UF,UG,UH,UQ,UT,WJ,WK,WL,X8 ACE-3 (Mrs. T. Madhavi Kumari)
3. 12-09-2020 30, 31, 61, 67, 88, 5D, 5E, 5F, 5U, 5W, 6A, 6F,6H, 6M, 6Q, 6Z, 7B, 7C,7F, 7Q, 7T ,7R, 7Y, 7Z, 8A ,8P, 8Q, 8R, 8U, 8W, 8X, 8Y, 9A, 9B,9C, 9G, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M, 9P, 9R, AG, AQ, B6, B8, BA, BE, BK, BT,C0, C9, D2, D4, D5, D6, D8, E1, E2, GE, GM, H1,H2, H3, H5, H6,H8, J2, J5, J8, JJ, K3, L7, M1, M2, M3, M4, M9, N1, N3, N4, N7,N8,P0, P6, P7, PQ, PR, PT, PU, Q6, Q8, QA, QC, QF, QH, QJ, QM,QQ, QR, R1, R3, R5,R9, RA, RD, RG, RK, RP , RU, S1, S3, T8, TC,TG, TP, TQ, U0, U1, U6, UJ, UP, UR,VD, VE, VF, VG, W1, W4, W8, X0, X3, X7 ACE-4 ( Dr. L. Saida Naik )


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